Oathology: Bring Us Back to Nature, Rooting into Connection
This piece invites readers to not only reflect on their place in nature, but also consider how active stewardship and engagement with the land can foster deeper joy and connection.
Readers can explore the process of rooting into their connection to the planet, the cosmos, and their own inner world. This is introductory ethnoecology of the self and your local ecosystem.

The OATHmeal: Being a Responsible Fire Tender
There was a time when coconut water was the hot new thing, both in terms of hype but also in terms of it being added to many other things. And in some ways it still is, though I think mushrooms have taken that place (as I take sip of my mushroom coffee.)
Thus the title of today’s Oathmeal and how Decolonizing was showing up all over the place and on many things, like Decolonizing Your Syllabus to Decolonizing Your Diet.

The OATHmeal: Decolonizing, not the New Coconut Water
There was a time when coconut water was the hot new thing, both in terms of hype but also in terms of it being added to many other things. And in some ways it still is, though I think mushrooms have taken that place (as I take sip of my mushroom coffee.)
Thus the title of today’s Oathmeal and how Decolonizing was showing up all over the place and on many things, like Decolonizing Your Syllabus to Decolonizing Your Diet.

4 Resources to Help You Practice Self Care
We understand that election season is overwhelming for a lot of reasons. Thus, we want to offer resources to support you as you navigate the current political climate. We hope these resources will be useful to you and yours.

The OATHmeal: “An ABC of Rest and Restoration”
Learn the ABCs of Rest and Restoration! This OATHmeal is hot and ready to be served. It’s the perfect bite size lesson to start the day off with. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

The OATHmeal: “Are you even part of a Thriving Meadow bro?”
“Are you even part of a thriving meadow bro?” This OATHmeal is hot and ready to be served. It’s the perfect bite size lesson to start the day off with. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Learn the History of Pride
Pride activist ancestors deserve to be honored and known. This is not an all encompassing list, but will hopefully serve as a starting point in your research

What is Abolition? A BGE Takeover with Ki’Amber Thompson
We are happy to share our Black Girl Environmentalist Reclaiming Our Time march Ki’Amber Thompson! Please read and really reflect upon her work and educational offering she has graciously shared with us.

6 Women-Founded Organizations Making the Outdoors a Better Place for All
In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to shout out some women founded/led orgs that are doing incredible work in the outdoors community for planet, inclusion, and adventure. We hope this serves as a great starting point for you to dive in and learn more.

The OATHmeal: Know, DO, Change
Introducing our first OATHmeal: Know, Do, Change! It’s the perfect bite size lesson to start the day off with. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

What’s The OATHmeal??
What’s the OATHMEAL, you might ask? Check out The Oath’s newest and delectable offering that’ll help you dive deeper into your learning journey!

Black Outdoorists Who Inspire Us To Get Outside
We’re honoring Black History Month this year by amplifying the amazing work of these Black creators. They continuously inspire us to get outside, not just in February.

Know Before You Go: Mountain Biking
Learn the basics of Mountain Biking with our friends from Ruta Del Jefe, a mountain biking organization focused on building relationships between bikers and the land they recreate on. Their annual festival takes attendees out into the desert to ride, build community, and support the local peoples and land.

White Supremacy Culture: The Either/OR & The Binary and Individualism
This is part 2 of our series breaking down Tema Okun’s White Supremacy Culture Characteristics. In this blog, we discuss “Either/OR & The Binary” and “Individualism”.

5 Black Orgs Making Waves for Planet, Inclusion, & Adventure
We’re honoring Black History Month this year by amplifying the amazing work of these Black founded and run orgs in the outdoor community. Each are working at critical intersections of outdoor recreation and social justice.

About White Supremacy
Read and reflect upon white supremacy with this short introduction to the incredibly nuanced topic. Then, join our Stretch Session with Summits in Solidarity on 1/24/24 at 6pm MT for a guided conversation all about it!