PIA Resources: June 2024 Newsletter

These PIA resources were originally sent in our June 2024 Newsletter. If you want these resources and more sent directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter!

16 Easy Grocery Store Swap-Outs that are Better for the Planet!

You might be surprised what cannot be recycled and how little of other stuff gets ever recycled. By swapping out bagged potatoes for loose ones, and eggs in cardboard cartons instead of styrofoam, you’ll lighten your environmental footprint. We are loving these actionable tips from founding member Krsitin Hotstetter on OutsideOnline.com.

Towards a Radical White Identity- AWARE-LA

In this paper, AWARE-LA endeavors to share the work they do to “teach different ways of being white,” by offering the idea of a Radical White Identity.

Their aim is twofold:

  1. To create an alternative to the dominant white culture through building a community of white anti-racist people who represent a sub-culture of whiteness

  2. To offer a form of white identity that is explicitly anti-racist and allows white people to acknowledge and embrace our histories and cultures.

Through this evolving cultural/racial identity we will create our antiracist practice, our racial identity model, and our role in the process of creating radical social transformation.

25 Choose Action Now (CAN) Project Outlines from Earth Guardians

These 1-2 pager project guidelines are a perfect place to start if you want to take action, but don’t know how. From Guerilla Gardening to Campaigning for Legislation and even Community Art projects, these CAN guides will certainly help guide your enthusiasm and empowerment to do great things for your community and for the planet.


The OATHmeal: “Are you even part of a Thriving Meadow bro?”


Resources for Palestine 🍉